Enjoying a car ride |
So Mom is pretty busy again this week with final papers and exams for school (she has less than two weeks left!) so I’m going to write the blog this week. I’m Cooper, by the way. Cooper Neal Mahakian Lambertus. Which is a lot of names to learn, even for a highly intelligent puggle like me. Fortunately Mom and Dad usually just stick with Cooper. In case you are wondering, I am 7 years old, I spent my childhood in Ohio and I like to stay in really good shape. I run around my backyard a lot trying to keep the squirrels away, and once I trapped a possum, and I’ve found bunnies under the deck a bunch of times. This was not my first home but it is for sure my furever home. I love my mom and dad (and even Fagan and my cat sister Laverne), I have a couple of super good friends that come to visit, and I even get to sleep on the big cloud bed with the whole family at night! Mom says it’s getting a little crowded... but it’s the best home ever!
It’s been an interesting week. Yesterday we took a car ride with Mom and Dad. Which is usually great, because I love taking car rides with my people parents. And it was Sunday, which I think Fagan explained last week was, like, the best day of the week. But then Dad got out of the car with a suitcase, gave Mom a kiss, gave Fagan & me hugs, and went into a building. And Mom drove away with us. What was that about?!? This is not okay. Mom explained that Dad was going on a business trip to a place called Japan, and he would only be gone for 5 sleeps, but I don’t think I like this at all. And Fagan really doesn’t like it; she’s been pouting a lot. Aaaaaanyway......
My fave photo |
I thought I would talk about treats today. Because I really like treats. Probably more than regular food. My favorite treats? Ones that taste like coconut... or peanut butter.... or mint and parsley. Yeah, I know mint and parsley sound like a weird combination, but they taste pretty darn good and Mom says they make my breath smell much better. Which is awesome, cause there’s a shitzu down the street that I really like. I think she likes me too, since she smells my butt like every single time she sees me! So yeah, I digress. Mom says the mint helps my breath smell better while the parsley helps with the enzymes in my belly. Not sure what all that means, but if mint & parsley treats taste good and help with the ladies, I am all about ‘em. And Mom named the mint and parsley treats she makes “Kiss Me Coopers.” Which is pretty cool. I bet there aren’t that many dogs with treats named after them!
Hope you are having a super good week! I’m going to go patrol the backyard one more time before bed, so I’ll catch you all later!
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